Crest Clamshell Producing Huge Savings for Australian Printer
TAMPA, Florida, August 27, 2015 – My Press Needs (MPN) announces the installation of its second
Crest™ 2.5M (63”x108”) Clamshell in Australia. GSP Print, a large format printer specializing in print, finishing and logistics for POP, billboards and events, purchased the press. GSP Fulfillment Manager Ian Franklin said the company, headquartered near Sydney, had a vision to become an “end to end process,” and purchased the Crest Clamshell to reduce outsourcing costs and operational turnaround times. With the Crest’s performance so far, Franklin said the company is
experiencing faster turnaround times per job, less waste and successful die cutting of a range of different products. GSP expects to see $500,000 in outsourcing savings and the press to pay for itself in 1.6 years.
Before purchasing the Crest, GSP spoke with several Crest customers to research both the Crest and
the company behind it. “We were looking for a clamshell that would suit our business and handle our large-sheeted substrates,” Franklin said. “The Crest Clamshell die cutter ticked all our boxes.” MPN’s professionalism, training support and relationship with Dicar Inc. were also factors in GSP’s decision, according to Franklin. “Partnering with a well-known die maker demonstrated MPN’s commitment to research and development in being able to die cut substrates that in the past was unsuccessful.”
The MPN installation and training team in Australia included Dave Mussi, head of MPN’s affiliated
company My Service Needs; and Rick Putch, Dicar’s director of business development and consulting.
“As a full-service company, we believe in partnering with our customers,” said MPN President Rob
Weidhaas. “A big part of that partnership is sharing our die cutting expertise to ensure their success.”
About MPN
My Press Needs, LLC was founded by Rob Weidhaas in 2000 as a complete die cutting resource to the
print finishing, packaging and general converting industries. Today the full-service company specializes in the development, engineering and sales of clamshell presses worldwide, along with consulting and training on die cutting processes. An affiliated company, My Service Needs, services clamshell presses of all types. For more information about MPN, visit