Crest Clamshell Increases Short Run Business
TAMPA, Florida, December 11, 2014 – C&C Bindery, Long Island, NY, installed My Press Needs’ 28×41 Crest Clamshell to increase its short-run business.
“Several years ago, we reinvented ourselves from a traditional bindery to specialize in pharmaceutical and cosmetics packaging,” said C&C President Mitch Holsborg. The result was steady growth, resulting in Holsborg’s decision to purchase a die cutting press to handle and attract more short-run business. He chose MPN’s Crest primarily because of its safety features. “The Crest is a step above other clamshells in safety, which has given us confidence to enter the short run-market,” he said. But the Crest had an even more immediate impact on C&C’s business. “We didn’t realize the high volume of digital short runs we were doing on our Bobst,” Holsborg said. “So for us, the true benefit of the Crest is relieving pressure on longer runs. We’ve been keeping the Crest busy eight to ten hours a day. Its quick make-ready and accuracy fills our need for a smooth workflow.”
MPN President Rob Weidhaas said the Crest’s “sweet spot” is short runs. “The Crest’s versatility and quick make-ready times make it the perfect press for our customers like C&C,” said Weidhaas. “And with our new WideMouth™ technology, the Crest can die cut thicker materials like Falconboard® to give printers even more opportunities.”
About MPN My Press Needs, LLC was founded by Rob Weidhaas in 2000 as a complete die cutting resource to the print finishing, packaging and general converting industries. Today the full-service company specializes in the development, engineering and sales of clamshell presses worldwide, along with consulting and training on die cutting processes. An affiliated company, My Service Needs, services clamshell presses of all types. For more information about MPN, visit